1. Inflammation

Regular inflammation is a good thing. It helps heal your body from injuries and protects you from massive infection spreads.
The problematic type of inflammation is known as chronic low-grade inflammation — meaning your body is in a state of inflammation over a long period of time.
Inflammation such as this has been linked to diabetes, artherosclerosis, stroke, and a host of other chronic conditions.
Sugar is a main dietary cause of inflammation. As sugar is digested, it is either immediately used or turned immediately into fat. On top of this, sugar causes inflammation to all cells and decreases the cells’ ability to transport energy.

2. Blood Sugar And Insulin

When sugar is metabolized in the body, it causes blood sugar spikes and rapid drops. This leads to mood swings, cravings, headaches, fatigue, and more. These rapid changes take their toll on pancreatic health.
Excessive sugar intake can lead to insulin resistance and the high blood sugar levels associated with prediabetes.

3. Cardiovascular Health

Sugar is also bad for your heart. A recent study found that sugar can increase cardiovascular risks after only three weeks of intake.
The study focused on healthy young men, who were given sugar-sweetened beverages like soda every day for three weeks. Researchers found a decrease in LDL cholesterol (the good kind) and a significant increase in the blood sugar of participants.

4. Weight Gain

Because of how they are digested, sugars promote considerable weight gain. In this recent study, high-fructose corn syrup was especially dangerous, causing weight gain in 100 percent of test subjects. Intake of fructose should be highly reduced, if not eliminated entirely.

5. Liver Damage

Sugars high in fructose such as agave, corn syrup, and sucrose have now surpassed alcohol as the number one cause of liver damage. When fructose in any form is digested, it is rapidly absorbed by the intestine and passed on to the liver.
Fructose is processed in the liver same way as alcohol is and causes much the same damage.
One study links fructose to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Researchers found dietary fructose intake may lead to NAFLD. It also promoted toxic bacteria in the intestines.

Sweet Disaster

Sugar has slowly crept into our everyday lives over the past century. There is even significant research that sugar is addictive! If we value our health, it may be time to say farewell to our not-so-sweet friend.
If your health practitioner recommends cutting out sugar to reduce your inflammation, they are on the right track!
P.S. If you are wondering whether you will be missing out on your favorite baked goods — not to worry, you can still make them with natural sugar alternatives.