
Monday 25 July 2016


   Ladies can sometimes be funny in behavior but at the same time disappointing with these behaviors. Although no one is perfect, but there are some negative things that should not be found in ladies to be precise. However, below are the three unacceptable characters that are very obvious in our ladies today which can possibly be a minus to them

   It usually amazed me to see two ladies fighting or struggling with each other all just because of getting a guy as their love. It is normal or a natural thing to have feelings for one another but sometimes, love or feeling might not be enough to overcome a situation and maturity will rather take the place of love or feelings in such situation. What I mean is that in a situation where two ladies have different feelings for just a guy, it is not a crime for this to occur but it becomes unacceptable when both ladies start to quarrel or fight each other because of this guy ( some ladies even fight themselves  in the public). However, it is sure that the guy concerned will know the act existing between both ladies fighting because of him, and this will eventually leads to loss of pride by the ladies in the sight of the guy. So the best thing ladies can do in situation like this is to introduce maturity to issue like this so as to avoid negative stains on your personalities.

   Although ladies tend to feel or look special among guys and even their sex mates, but that does not warrant living for what you are not capable of. If ladies that love to live a fake life keep doing it as time goes on, it will come to a point in time when the negative act (fake life) that is been done by the ladies will be exposed to the public (because lies can last for more than 20years, but one day truth will evolve) therefore tainting the image of the ladies involved in such act.. For example, I have seen a lady (that is in a relationship with guy) and she is fond of eating her local dish at home (eba and okra). But anytime she is around her guy, she always claim and demand for foreign dishes while telling the her guy that she doesn’t eat any kind of local dish. But unfortunately for her, the guy came to her house on a fateful day and while chatting with the lady, her mother came and shouted at her to pack away the plate in which she ate the local food (eba and okra).So how embarrassed do you think a lady like this will feel in a situation of such?

   Generally, almost everyone does gossip about one another, but there are levels at which gossip become unacceptable in nature. Moreover, particularly ladies it surprise me to see ladies gossiping about their own sex mate and even their friends. But you ladies should know that this kind of character gives people bad impressions about you.

   Moreover, choose to forgive me if I hurt you as a lady with any of these points, but you will do me a good favor if you can choose to make correction to any of the points that are found in you...
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Relationship can at any point in time be disrupted and later broken when it starts to function in an unsuitable way through some activities carried out by both partners and any one of them. However, the factors below can help you heal your broken relationship:

1)    RETRACE YOUR STEPS-When a relationship is broken, it is as a result of unnoticed or uncared altitude or behavior that may dissatisfy either of the partner or both of them. However, to every problem is assigned a solution. So in a situation like this, the first thing to do is to know or retrace the cause of the event.

2)    MAKE AMENDMENT- Having known the cause of the event, your next step should be to make proper amendment and corrections. Amendment can be made by firstly accepting one’s mistake or wrongdoings. Then make it a deal and be determined not to do such a thing again. In addition, amendment is best done if both partners can come together and analyzes the wrongdoings from each other, get to know the cause of it and seek or get a way to avoid it between them. The above suggestion will prove efficient because when both partners concerned come together, the conversation between them will bring out more unnoticed flaws in them because they will talk with open minds.

3)     LEARN TO BE A GOOD PARTNER-After getting the solution to your broken relationship, you must now try your best to satisfy your partner since by now, you know what he or she doesn’t like or approve as a behavior, what makes him/her happy always. Moreover, on the side of the man or guy, you should find fruitful ways of making the relationship move in a definite way by accepting, executing your responsibilities to your woman or lady in a just and acceptable manner. Let her well being be at the top of your mind and never let her down at any point in time. Give her more than the love and care she expect from you. So should the woman or lady do to her man/guy to maintain their steady relationship

4)    NEVER FORGET GOD-As we know that God is the author and the finisher of our faith, and also, if God doesn’t build the house, those that build does it in vain. So setting God into your relationship will be an unshakeable insurance and assurance for a lovely, definite and undisturbed relationship for both partners. Because when God is present in your midst, nothing will want to be done against his will thereby giving you a positive and fruitful relationship.

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Sunday 24 July 2016

Guys, Read 15 ways to make a girl love you more.

1. Always call her sweet names and keep telling her I LOVE YOU
2. Never forget to keep using sweet mouth on them
3. Keep lying to her, brag about what you are not
4. Keep forming you are up coming star,artist,footballer,actor and any career in entertainment industry. Women like celebrities pass their life.
5. Know how to speak big grammar and always dress well, good package.
6. Give her money
7. Keep giving her money
8. Don't forget to give her money
9. Just continue giving her money
10. Keep buying her cards.
11. Always call her all the time, give her attention.
12. Buy her sexy clothes,pants and any good material things.
13. Don't get tired, just continue
giving her money repeatedly.
14. Be romantic and always continue using your sweet mouth, never forget to promise her marriage and introduce her your fake friends and claim they are your family members.
15. Bro buy her good android phone, she go be your babe. Never forget giving her money and buying material things.

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Am sorry am going to be a bit harsh
in this post
but please make use of the message
in it.
Some ladies can be so annoying,
especially the so-
called beautiful girls. I have come to
discover that
when a lady sees her herself as a
very beautiful
girl, she will become rude and
stubborn to
everyone; she won't respect people;
she will be
arrogant and abuses anyone. She
will now be filled
with proudness and pomposity. What
Please note that beauty without
good character is
useless. Your beauty is as useless
as a piece of
rag if you don't have good
characters. Don't think
that you can achieve anything in life
with just
beauty. Your beauty can't make you
get favour and
help from people if you are rude and
Those who win in beauty pregent
didn't win
because they are beautiful. They
won because they
are wise, intelligent and responsible.
If you are
depending on your beauty, am sorry
for you. You
won't go anywhere in life. Work on
your character,
work on your intelligence and
wisthey Good
character brings honor; beauty does
not. Good
character brings favor and respect;
beauty does
Be responsible; don't be rude to
people because of
your so-called beauty. Be
reasonable. Be wise.
" Beauty may fail, the only quality
that ll remain in
Woman is character ....
    Use your brains for what they are meant for THINK.
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       This may not be the best time for me to write on this
because of misinterpretations, but I can no longer
resist the push.

"Husband Scarcity" has become one of the
challenges faced by many young girls today. If you go
to prayer houses, majority of the intentions are
prayer for a life partner. And this calls for concern.

Casting our minds back to the time of our mothers
and grandmothers, was there really much of a
"Husband Scarcity" problem? Or, maybe there were
more men than women then, or there was an
adequate corresponding numbers of both genders. I
don't think so. Maybe then, the women had values
and were prepared to build a home and not park into
a built home. Then, once a young man comes of age
and can at least feed himself and his wife, he goes
out in search of a wife and the woman really
appreciates him and helps him to build a future.
What am I really trying to say? We created what we
now see as "Husband Scarcity" for ourselves.

Today, the reverse is the case. Ask an average girl to
define her dream husband; you get things like "he
has to be tall, handsome, educated, fair, and rich, own a house
at least, and be presentable" and then she adds "God
fearing" in order not to sound so worldly. Then,
check the number of girls around you and the
number of men that meet that standard, and you will
see the problem. You hear girls say, "I cannot suffer
in my father's house and then go and start suffering
with a man."

What a wonderful dream! What if from the beginning,
you have everything you want and there is no
suffering, and later in the marriage, the table turns
around, then comes suffering? Will you run away? No
one prays for suffering, but it is good to start small
and end big, than start big and end small.
The problem is that the description majority of girls
give of their ideal man is virtually the same. When 50
girls want the same kind of man and the man that fits
what they want is just 1 man, and the man can only
pick one. Then, what becomes of 49 others? They
simply start lamenting of "Husband Scarcity".

Another irony of our time is that it is hard, due to the
face of our economy to find a man who is of
marriage age who possesses all those things these
ladies want, legally (except those involved in Internet
fraud); even the number of those in Internet fraud is
not enough to match all those searching for already
made husbands.(This is why they always fall for the wrong ones who would use and dump them. Then they later carry the "all men are the same saying".) If you look around, majority of the
ladies of substance, of good value and virtue, who
are ready to build a home with a man who has
prospects, are married and not complaining of
husband scarcity.

The easiest way to find a husband now, is to change
your view of who a husband is.
A husband is that man God made and then saw that it
may be hard for him to really actualize his purpose
for making him, without a help mate and then made
the woman and gave to him, and he felt complete
ALLEVIATION PROGRAM. It is a mission of building
the family of God here on earth.

For those who see marriage as a way out of poverty,
it is a way into bondage. Women are HOME
MAN'S PATH WITH HIS DESTINY. Where he is today,
may only be a route to where God has destined him
to be tomorrow. Another truth is that YOU MAY BE
Join in alleviating "husband scarcity". PICK UP THE

I am not saying that you should pick anyone that
comes your way and talks of marriage, not all men
are husband materials. What I am saying is that you
should stop setting your standard on material
acquisitions or physical appearances.
Look beyond the physical. WHAT MAKES A MAN WHO
IS WHAT HE IS MADE UP OF. And that which he is
made of is, most times, not seen with the physical
eyes, only its effects can be seen.

Marriage is a permanent thing. Whatever is seen is
temporal and that which is not seen is permanent.

This post is worth sharing, let it go as far as it can.

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Wednesday 20 July 2016

How to Overcome The Pain of a Toxic Relationship

Okay, you’ve finally done it—you’ve worked up your courage and left the toxic relationship behind. But what about moving forward? The breaking of any relationship, especially a toxic romantic relationship, can leave pain that may seem unbearable. However, moving past that pain is easier than you might think.

Ignite and Reaffirm Your Self-Esteem

It might sound ridiculous to some, but take time to tell yourself that you are smart, beautiful, and worthy of a good life and good relationship to boot. Say it out loud or within your mind, in the mirror, shower, car, wherever you feel comfortable. If you need to, create an affirmation to repeat to yourself on a regular basis. Maintaining your self-esteem, especially in the wake of a toxic relationship, can be difficult, but it’s essential for those who need a reminder of their worth as a person.

Go Beyond the Traditional Support System

Whether or not you have a good support system from family or friends you can still create support for yourself. A relationship counselor who earned their master’s degree in social work online says that exercise, meditation, and hobbies can all be excellent ways of coping with emotional pain. Simply adding a one-hour event into your schedule could be one hour that is pain-free. Don’t feel obligated to participate in activities you don’t enjoy just for the sake of exercising. Instead, discover what interests you. Whether it’s yoga, aerobics, swimming, tennis, or even extreme roller skating–whatever form of exercise appeals to you is the one you should be doing. If you’re not the athletic type and would rather meditate, find the method that works best for you. Not all meditation has to be done in cross-legged science–meditation takes several forms, of which there is sure to be one which appeals to you!

Make New Friends

Your friends that you have right now are probably fantastic people, however, it is often through meeting new people that you can rediscover your lost self and begin to move past the pain. Your friends may have been a support group during the toxic relationship—and they should continue to be—but it is easy to dwell on the past and your old relationship when talking to them. Keep those friends close, but look for other people and groups to relate to. By putting yourself out in the open and making some new friends or acquaintances, you are opening new doors and shutting out the pain involved in negative memories. You may also find that new friends offer a fresh perspective on your situation which could help you overcome some of the residual pain.

Ask For Help

You’ve been hurt but that doesn’t mean you’re broken. Your family, friends, and even YOU are waiting for you to ask for help. It is okay to ask for help and no, you won’t sound weak doing so. It takes immense strength to ask for any kind of help, so in a way, asking for help is making you stronger and thus it can be used as a tool to counter the lingering pain. Those who care about you will not judge you or dismiss you for asking for help because that’s not what caring people do! They will be cheering for you every step of the way, so don’t hesitate to ask them for the occasional support.
Moving past the pain of a toxic romantic relationship seems like a battle that is unwinnable. However, if you invest in a good support system and believe in yourself you can take small steps to minimize the pain and eventually leave it far, far behind.

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Monday 11 July 2016

9 Signs You’re Dating Someone You Don’t Need To Impress At All

  The media is always telling us what to wear, what to say, etc. to impress people. However, to be with someone happily you don’t have to do so. It’s really important to be ourselves and feel worthy of ourselves instead of trying hard to impress and caring too much about what others think. When you can find such a person, never let him/her go. Below are the signs you’re dating someone you don’t have to impress at all.
9 Signs You’re Dating Someone You Don’t Need To Impress At All

1. You don’t mind revealing your shortcomings

Maybe you’re the messy type that knows where everything is located. Perhaps it’s known that for you, making dinner is a struggle. It’s okay, you’re loved anyway. You know you’ll never be put on the spot for your bad cooking when the person you’re dating steps up and shares the responsibility with you. Your date surprises you with dinner or teaches you to cook as opposed to bringing over friends and family expecting you to turn into a chef.

2. You can admit what you don’t know without feeling ashamed

Everyone is an expert on something. More than likely, you appreciate if your date has a high intellect. If anything they impress you with their knowledge. If your date finds that you clearly don’t know something, they never make you feel ashamed. You get the relief of telling them you don’t know and they never make you feel any less for it. You may notice your differences bringing you closer together, rather than further apart.

5. You don’t feel the need to change your inner self to make him/her more satisfied

The person you don’t need to impress makes you want to express more of who you are, not alter it for them. They know who you are and never ask you to be anything different. They don’t make you feel like you have to adjust to eating what they like and take up the same hobbies. No need to sharpen your fantasy football skills or take up hiking if that’s not your thing.

6. You can always be frank and there’s no guessing game

What a relief to be able to say exactly what is on your mind without having to soften it. You don’t have to water down your strong, opinionated views. The two of you don’t give each other much of an opportunity to misinterpret each other because you’re direct and honest with each other.

7. You’re treasured because of your personality but not because of what you have

They love the gifts you bring to the world more than the gifts you buy. The enthusiasm you experience dating each other comes from excellent chemistry of your personalities. Your material objects are not mentioned much because you’re the real treasure. You find that you spend more time genuinely talking about each other than emphasizing your possessions.

8. You don’t mind showing your weak sides and can vent your emotions freely

They not only listen to your troubles, they want to hear them. Your relationship has surpassed simply impressing them when they request you count on them when you’re not at your best. They’re actually disappointed if you don’t reach out to them when you’re sad. They want to talk to you when you feel weak or low not because misery loves company, but because they know you’re a human being. You cycle through an array of emotions and the person you’re dating wants to experience it with you.

9. You can enjoy quiet time without each other without worrying what to say next

Rest in peace awkward silence, you just don’t have these moments anymore. The silence is peaceful and charges the air with loving, comforting energy. Sometimes a glance in the eyes or a smile says it all. For many, enjoying the company of someone else in silence for the first time is the official point of reaching ultimate comfort with the one you’re dating. When the person you’re dating helps you clean up your house, car, or helps you with any weakness, you know they care. How relieving is it that you get to continue being your awesome self and appreciated for it? Soak in every comforting moment, confide in them, and know that your possessions are only just that. Every bit of what you have to say is appreciated, whether it’s a corny joke or you’re suffering a loss. Everyone likes feeling acknowledged. The beauty about dating this person is that they never expected you to impress them anyway.
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Friday 1 July 2016

Happy Couples Don’t Do Great Things For The Other, But They Have These 11 Small Habits

Happy Couples Don’t Do Great Things For The Other, But They Have These 11 Small Habits
   Against popular opinion, what makes happy couples thrive are in the details. The little things does matter, and such small habits are strong and bonding enough to define how far a relationship can go.

1. Going out together

They take a night out every now and then. They find relevance in courting and spending the night together in somewhere special. Such activity keeps the spark of the relationship alive.

2. Putting their phones away

They are willing to listen to each other and connect with each other on a deeper level. Yes, we all want to check that new email or message, but technology can be a distraction to a healthy relationship. Happy couples are willing to put their gadgets away and listen to what is being said.

3. They go to bed together

They don’t just sleep in the same bed together, they express their feelings for each other in the process. They would cuddle and sleep next to each other. They know that going to bed together matters as they can talk and show each other affection.

4. Saying “I love you”

They express their feelings for each other often. In the morning and before they go to bed they remind each other of how they feel. When said in the morning, “I love you” infuses some tolerance and patience as they both go out to face the world at work.

5. Expressing pride by showing off their partners

Happy couples want to show each other off. They let the world know how wonderful they are. They don’t mind doing this in a warm and affectionate manner by holding each other’s hand or putting their hand on the other person’s shoulder.

6. Walking together

Happy couples walk together, hand in hand or side by side. They do not allow the other partner dragging or lagging behind, rather they appreciate walking together and being within each other’s sight. This signals comfort, strength and love.

7. Cultivating common interests

They enjoy certain interests together. It could be swimming, skiing, or hiking. What matters is that they try to tap into the few interests they have in common and amplify them. Even when common interests are not present, they do well to develop them. This will make couples more reliant and interesting to each other.

8. Communicating

This means that they do not nag at each other or become a pain for the other person. Through communication, they can express their feelings appropriately. If one person is upset, he/she can express themselves and let the other person aware of their discomfort. Regular communication breeds an understanding and harmonious relationship.

9. Appreciating each other

Phrases like “thank you,” “you are a darling,” “what will I do without you?” are often said by happy couples. They do well to appreciate each other and make the other person feel relevant in the relationship. Showing such appreciation makes the other person feel wanted and show that you are polite and courteous.

10. Surprising each other

A relationship could become drab and boring if you continue repeating the same activities together. Happy couples learn to break such routines and become creative in the process. This is why they surprise each other and come with something out of the norm to please their partners. Spontaneity and unpredictability can indeed be fun.

11. Hugging and kissing each other before and after work

Our skin has a memory of that “good touch.” If you offer your partner that warmth through a hug or kiss, it tends to stick with them for the rest of the day or even the night. Doing well to brighten their partner’s spirit, happy couples do well to offer each other that “good touch.”
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12 Reminders A Married Man Wants You to Know and Remember

Being married changes people. Some couples become closer and happier. Some become distant.
You learn to truly co-exist with someone every day, despite their flaws—and more, despite your own. You learn to work with what you have today, not what you want someday from him or her. You learn to give—and to receive, as well. Your true self starts to reappear from childhood.
Marriages force you to negotiate and compromise—a LOT, no matter you like it or not. After the first two years or so of lovey-dovey soft stuff, it becomes about just wanting to do good for him or her. After the honeymoon’s forgotten, it’s about the comfort, spending time together, not the glamour or the fancy gifts.
The act of getting married’s easy. Staying married’s hard.
A friend’s father-in-law once said, “This got me through a good twenty first years of marriage: ‘You’re right, I’m wrong. I’m sorry, I will change.’ One day, she tells me. ‘Hey, I’ve heard this one too many times.’ I said, ‘I’m sorry, I will change. I’m wrong, you’re right.’ And this has lasted me another ten until today.”
Wisdom in marriage is hard-earned, in stride. Whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.

1. Marriage is constant work.

Never stop dating. Always pay attention. Keep learning, sharing, laughing with your partner. Treat yourself well and treat your partner even better. Never neglect your looks or words or actions—or your thoughts. Keep working hard to be a better person, lover, partner, chef, bartender and caretaker, janitor and driver. Seek truth, not to be right.
Make sure to listen carefully—the first time, every time. Just get stuff done ASAP, on time. Keep your mouth shut; don’t moan and complain. Be helpful, be encouraging. Get your chores done each day, don’t wait. Know when the storm is coming; it will pass. The morning’s wiser than the night. Resolve your argument before you sleep (apologize!)

2. Argument is just not worth it.

Most of the time, the argument is just not worth it. Pick your battles carefully.
Being right will make you proud one moment, but will piss her off. Bad move. Be smart.

3. Laugh hard.

If you can’t laugh, you’ll die. And if you can, you’ll manage through mundane, profane, the painful and the thrilling.

4. How’s life? How is your wife?

One and the same. That’s one cliche both sexes can agree on.

5. It can be like riding on a roller coaster.

How’s married life? The answer can be different any given day. Today is glorious, tomorrow awful. And so what?

6. Never compare your couple to any other.

This always leads to disaster. Never compare your house, your relationship, your sex life, your wealth or anything else to anyone else’s. That’s the first step to being consumed by fear, jealousy, envy and all the other negative emotions.
Live your own life. Bring out the best in each other and work on your own couple, per your own standards and expectations.

7. Instinct and emotion trump pure reason.

This is the hardest thing for some people to learn and then accept. Sometimes, one spouse is often right despite what may seem wrongful reasoning, irrational demands, emotional appeals. Reason alone is not enough and leads you down wrong paths. Sometimes you really have to listen to your spouse and follow his or her requests, then ask the questions later.

8. Well, do you miss the chase?

Yes and no. Even if you loved to date before, when married, you’ll think twice and three and four times before pursuing another man or woman. Once you invest all your efforts with one person for so long (and actually succeed), why would you want to jeopardize it for a shallow hook-up?
More to the point, if you’ve stopped chasing your wife, you’ve lost a step yourself. If you’ve stopped exciting her with your jokes, actions and ideas, you need fresh material. It’s your job to keep her excited about you and where you’re going together in life.
Your wife is a different woman every day. Make things exciting by wooing her like you want to win her. Try something new once in a while. The same goes for those of you with husbands!

9. Doesn’t the sex get bad?

If you let it, for sure it does. If either of you let things get stale in any part of your relationship—especially this one—it can really bring down the enjoyment factor.
Here’s a novel idea (followed by Orthodox Jews): separate for a few days each month and don’t touch each other at all. When you’re back in the saddle, it’s gooood.

10. Patience isn’t a virtue; it’s earned.

Not just patience with your partner, but with yourself. You have to always work to improve yourself, but progress is never quick.
Patience is the only way you can get past all the frustrations that can pile up when you take two people with different personalities, hormones, cultures, languages, worldviews, types of hygiene, ways or organizing life and so on and put them together in one house.
Meditate, pray, take a walk around the block. Play the long game. Do whatever you have to do to be patient with your partner and with yourself. You will prevail over your foibles and get over the silly things that cause you to argue and become frustrated.

11. Your spouse is always #1.

Not your book, not your job, not your best buddy. When your spouse needs you, you drop everything. Or eventually, he or she will drop you.

12. Never settle or backslide.

Once you do, your relationship starts a slow death. Maintain the high standards for yourself you had when you met—and impressed—each other and fell in love.
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